Classical Lab Chemicals (MERCK)

ชื่อสินค้า : Classical Lab Chemicals (MERCK)

หมวดหมู่ : Chemical

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แบรนด์ : MERCK

ราคา : 0


อีเมล์ Line Fb


Metals and Metal Oxides EMSURE®, EMPLURA®


We provide an extensive range of metals and metal oxides suitable for a multitude of applications in R&D, production and quality control. Selected raw materials, state-of-the-art production technology, and stringent quality management ensure that we deliver you only premium products with consistently high purity and quality. With metals and metal oxides from us, you benefit from excellent batch consistency and an extensive choice of products – with practice-oriented purity grades and specifications and available in many different pack sizes.

Our comprehensive product portfolio includes metals and metal oxides in various grades. 


If you have trouble finding the products you're looking for, please contact our customer support for assistance.

